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What does the "e" in ebay stand for?

Today I was on, and I ran into a question that asked what the "e" in ebay stood for. Someone had replied that the "e" stood for "electronic". I immediately knew that this answer was incorrect and I corrected it. According to wikipedia, the "e" actually stands for "echo". I also viewed a video clip that confirmed this view:

When I thought about it, however, the answer the other person had written seemed very plausible as well. As a matter of fact, it makes more sense when you think about it literally. If the "e" in ebay stood for "electronic", it would work because ebay is , in a sense, an electronically based auction environment. The idea that the "e" stands for "echo" is not immediately apparent because the literal definition of the term "echo" has no direct relationship to the actual functionality of ebay. I am also basing my stance on this topic solely off of two secondary sources. Have you already formulated a stance? If you have, you are basing your stance off of at least one secondary source (ME). Use the search box below to search for the facts and opinions surrounding this topic. Deliberate the facts, discuss the opinions with others or within yourself as I did, and discover the truth. Don't just understand that the "e" stands for "echo". Understand why the "e" stands for "echo". Or, if you choose to believe that the "e" does not stand for "echo", understand why. If you had already formulated your view on the "e" in ebay prior to reading this post, why did you read this far?

1 comment:

#GPTripClaimEarthDay4222022+- said...


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